U-SHARE is a broad coalition of groups and individuals with varying interests, all united to support the implementation of comprehensive state and federal health reform measures that promote affordable access to quality care for all people residing in Utah. Based on review of successful reform implementation in other states, we know that “strange bedfellows” coalitions representing different points of view are essential for long-term success.
U-SHARE works to engage various entities in the heath reform implementation process, share information, and come to consensus on key areas of state and federal health reform implementation. U-SHARE utilizes the support of its membership and other collaborative efforts to promote the positive implementation of health system reforms that reflect our goals and guiding principles.
U-SHARE members all agree on general goals to expand access, increase quality, and contain cost throughout the health care system. The guiding principles are used as a “filter” in assessing all health system reform implementation proposals. Wherever possible, we try to reach a consensus on specific proposals or initiatives. The process can be challenging at times, but it results in a richer, more viable proposal.
You can view our publications with up-to-date information about our progress and direction for the future.
U-SHARE Meeting Agendas & Minutes